I think it’s interesting that ayahuasca is regulated so heavily even in the context of a churches.

Especially given its widespread religious use in South America.

It just goes to show, we don’t really have freedom of religion, we only have freedom of religion so long as it’s similar to Christianity

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For those of us unable to attend for one reason or another, it's good to have a small window into the event. A more detailed and comprehensive overview or summary would have been ideal, but for that you'd have needed a full staff roaming the venue and attending presentations, which understandably would be a challenge. In any case, it's still a valuable porthole into an important event. Thanks!

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Thank you for featuring our Unlimited Sciences study🙏

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There have been some Indigenous presentations but there I see no reports about their presentations. I would like to see more inclusion, the plant medicines are medicines of Indigenous peoples!

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Jane, wondering how the conference is reacting to the claim by the Gorge shooter that he was hallucinating from mushrooms at the time.

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