Wonderful article. New research coming out of Cedars-Sinai hospital reports that upwards of 40% of cancer patients have unresolved trauma, and doctors think the number is higher. Integrating psychedelics into oncology is the next frontier of medicine and I appreciate reading about Dr. Agrawal’s innovation in the field.

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heres an upcoming event I just found out about:


About this event

In this BMS Talk, connected with UK Fungus Day 2022, Professor David Nutt (Imperial College London) will talk about the historic use of fungal products, especially psilocybin and how it is being developed as a powerful new agent for the treatment of depression and addiction today.

David is a psychiatrist and the Edmond J. Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology in Imperial College London and Chief Research Officer of Awakn Life Sciences. He is currently Founding Chair of the charity Drug Science and has been president of the European Brain Council, the BAP, BNA, and ECNP.

David has published 35 books and over 1000 research papers (www.imperial.ac.uk/people/d.nutt/publications.html) that define his many landmark contributions to psychopharmacology including GABA and noradrenaline receptor function in anxiety disorders, serotonin function in depression, endorphin and dopamine function in addiction and the neuroscience and clinical utility of psychedelics. Some of this has been made into films.

He broadcasts widely to the general public on pharmacology and psychiatric matters, has over 60k followers on twitter and has his own very popular podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-drug-science-podcast/id1474603382.

Note: when you register for this event, you'll receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite. You'll find the Zoom link, meeting ID and password to join the event at the bottom of that email.

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So psilocybin will make me realize I’m like a cricket that doesn’t matter because there are plenty of other crickets to replace me when I die? That’s the doctors most inspirational report? I’m now a manifestation of peace and love that exists beyond time and space! It’s not just an equivalent alternative to opiates for some of us.

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Why can't a patient get BOTH opiates AND psilocybin? Does it have to be mutually exclusive?

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Good point. They work in very different ways… yet both are controversial and deemed dangerous and are highly controlled by ‘authorities’. I guess it’s complicated…

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Maybe it's not either/or -- either insignificant cricket or eternal manifestation of peace and love. Maybe you're BOTH. I bet each cricket matters to some other being(s), and there may be other entities, beings, compared to which we humans would seem like crickets. Except that they may not make such a comparison because they embrace ALL beings with love. Human individualism, the subconscious belief that "I" am the center of the universe and matter more than any other being is rather a fallacy. BTW, I took LSD and psilocybin etc. in my (long gone) youth 😉.

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I agree with it all except that your youth is long gone… reconnect with it via psilocybin! Ha! I wish I could hang out at your charming high location; it’s so fast paced here in the SF Bay Area!

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LOL; I used to live in Berkeley for over 20 years but moved to New Mexico in 2000. I just couldn't handle the high-octane excitement level any longer. The noise, the busy pace, the amount of psychic energy from so many people -- it all became too much.

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I just went through 7 weeks of chemo and radiation and definitely feeling anxious and depressed even though the treatments were effective. I feel like I have PTSD related symptoms. I have used psychedelic substances before but never as therapy. I will research help in my area . Any one have ideas other than self medicating ? So far minimal effect going solo but I believe a therapeutic set and setting would do wonders. Thanks for your work Dr.

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