Could we have more information about the Doctor? Very interesting article. Thank you.

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I enjoyed getting acquainted with Dr. Quevedo via this interview. I do take issue, however, with the interviewer's offhand way of summing up Maslow's conception of peak experience. I recommend tuning in to the more comprehensive way this vital topic is treated in my book "Mindleap: A Fresh View of Education Empowered by Neuroscience and Systems Thinking". (The book also refers extensively to Michael Pollan's "How to Change Your Mind".)

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Martín Buber was a Jewish theologian/philosopher who wrote “ I. Thou “. He wrote that we need to have a sacred relationship ( Thou) with the Earth and not exploit it for our own anthropocentric insatiable desires.

Muchas gracias por tu mensaje .


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Yes! "The dialog may be the epistemology of our time." mind/body/spirit, psychology/religion, indigenous/scientific, you/me, group, community, world -- lets hold the tension and allow the future to have us.

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